Thursday, April 28, 2011

Scree bed 2011

The top two pictures are from last spring. The bottom picture is of the garden this spring just last wee-third week of April. As you can see it has changed a lot. I spread a pea gravel mulch that gave it just a finished look. I have some rare finds in this garden. One is a charming chub just towards the bottom of the bottom picture from the ponderosa pine. I have some wonderful rock garden dianthus, pussy toes (these have to be cut back about two or three times a year or they will take over), a miniature clematis, some pasque flower, lewisia, arenaria, rock garden anemone (windflower), baptisia (this is being dug out this spring-it is just much too large for this garden) among many others that are specialized rock garden plants. If you would like scientific names please just post me and I will get them to you!

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